Angela Enriquez

  • 2nd Year Graduate Student

Dissertation Mentor

Dr. Yael Arbely

Education & Training

  • B.S., University of Pittsburgh, Biological Sciences Minor- Chemistry

Representative Publications

Cody Rutledge, Angela Enriquez, Kevin Redding, Mabel Lopez, Steven Mullett, Stacy Gelhaus, Michael Jurczak, Eric Goetzman, Brett Kaufman. Liraglutide protects against diastolic dysfunction and improves ventricular protein translation. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy; Submitted, under review.

Beheshti A, Paar V, Jiang S, Enriquez A, Kim J, Brunetta H, Muratani M, Kubik A, Allen N, Blaber E, Overbey E, Altinok S, Sanchez-Hodge R, Oswalt L, Kaufman B, Mori M, Motloch L, Mason C, Schisler J, Jirak P. Countermeasures for cardiac fibrosis in space travel: It takes more than a towel for a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, 14 February 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []. Npj Microgravity; under review.